Every now and again the growing pile of tea cosy wool felt scraps starts to grumble, so the other day I started on another table runner (aka table topper aka hot pad) and several hours of puzzling the pieces together.

Table topper in progress from a multitude of wool felt scraps

A dark comet with a fiery tail is what I had in mind.  A friend suggested it could also be a volcano, and another thought a fish.

Table topper in wool felt Comet streaking with fiery tale

Over the two following afternoons — while listening to podcasts — it was sewn together with zig-zag.  Far too many hours in its making to be sensible, but looking pretty smart.  Now in the shop.

Table topper wool felt with amaryllis


I was inspired in part to keep all the felt scraps — besides the fact the felt is so dear — by Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface, an American rug manufacturer who, in the seminal 2003 documentary The Corporation, talked about reclaiming the wasted roll ends of carpets to make more beautiful carpets. By doing this they reduced the amount of petroleum that had to be pulled from the earth and saved their company money all at the same time. That’s eco logic. Waste not, want not.