Have you seen these?  Perhaps it’s the spring in my garden — the sweet warm air, the fresh almost rubbery flowery buds, the crazily chirping birds — but my mind has been turning to garden structures and what more appropriate for this flock than a modern tea house?

modern tea house in Japan
A tea house by Terunobu Fujimori

The Black Tea House By David Maštálka of A1 Architects with sculptor Vojtech Bilisic — with exquisite detailing.

The Hat Tea House, also by A1 Architects

Tokyotoshi Prefab Teahouse
A pre-fab tea house kit from Tokyo Toshi (Note: sadly, the links I had to see more no longer work).

Actually designed by Saunders Architecture (photo by Iwan Baan) as an artist’s studio for Fogo Island, but a cup of tea would taste delicious in here I think.

I’d happily take any one of these, you?